High School
Humanities teacher

Age group:16-18 

Luoyang City Henan Province

before tax 25-30k

Sep. 2023


Luoyang City Henan Province  Full-time Teaching Job in Public school
 Humanities teacher for high school
-Work visa 
-Native speaker 
-Bachelor's degree
-TEFL/TESOL certificate 
-Teaching experience 
Job details:
-Location:Luoyang City Henan Province
-Start date:Sep.
-Age group:16-18 
-Class size:               
-Current FTs:
-Weekly days off:2 days off on weekends 
-Monthly salary:before tax 25-30k
-Housing allowance:free apartment
-Summer holiday:2 month
-Winter holiday:1 month,full paid 
-Insurance:Medical Insurance 
-Airfare allowance
-Renew contract bonus

Luoyang,located in the Waterinfo because of its name and Yang,Chinese civilization is one of the main birthplace.Since the year 770 BC,moved the capital to Luo Yi Zhou Wang,one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here,as long as 1,500 years.A long history of dazzling left to the Luoyang cultural heritage and tourism resources inexhaustible.

Luoyang is rich in cultural,Longmen Grottoes is one of China's three major grottoes,the White Horse Temple,China's first official Buddhist temple,the ancient Luoyang Museum is the world's largest group of ancient tombs,as well as two-way tomb,the white garden Kuan Lin,and so on a large number of historical sites.

Luoyang equally attractive scenery,"Xiao Yue,Tianjin," "color Longmen Mountains," "Luopu Autumn," "Ma Bell Temple" Luoyang Eight different style,beautiful scenery,enjoy the meantime,you will have made music erwang back.
