Early Childhood
Homeroom Teacher

Student‘s age:3-6

Hefei City, Anhui Province


Aug. 2023


Heifei City Anhui Province  Full-time Teaching Job in International Kindergarten
Homeroom teacher (Kindergarten)
-Work visa 
-Bachelor's degree
-TEFL/TESOL certificate or two years of teaching experience

Job details:
-Location:Hefei, Anhui 
-Start date:Aug. 2023
-Age group:3-6      
-Class size:  20-25
-Weekly days off:2 days off on weekends 
-Work schedule:8:00am-5:00pm
-Monthly salary:20K-30K before tax
-Summer holiday: two months (paid)
-Winter holiday:more than 14days (fully paid)
-Airfare allowance: 8K after contract end
-Yearly bonus: 6K
-Free breakfast 、lunch 、afternoon tea
-Insurance: Commercial insurance 


Hefei is the capital and largest city of Anhui Province,People's Republich of China.A prefecture-level city, it is the political, economic, and cultural center of Anhui. Its population was 9,369,881 as of the 2020 census and its built-up (or metro) area made up of four urban districts plus Feidong, Feixi and Changfeng counties being urbanized, was home to 7,754,481 inhabitants. Located in the central portion of the province, it borders Huainan to the north,Chuzhou to the northeast,Wuhu to the southeast, Tongling to the south, Anqing to the southwest and Lu'an to the west. A natural hub of communications, Hefei is situated to the north of Chao Lake and stands on a low saddle crossing the northeastern extension of the Dabie Mountains, which forms the divide between the Huai and Yangtze rivers.
