Sound ideas can go a long way when it comes to choosing and getting the right job. Whether it's exploring a job creating a great CV or preparing for an interview, we can help.

10 most common interview questions

1. why are you leaving your current job?

2. why do you want to work here?

3. what interests you about this role?

4. what are your goals for the future?

5. what are your greatest strengths?

6. what are your greatest weaknesses?

7. can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it?

8. what is your salary range expectation?

9. why should we hire you?

10. do you have any questions?


There is a 99% chance that these common interview questions turn up in your job interview.  Whether you're in your first job or being interviewed for the role of CEO, these questions are used to understand your strengths, weaknesses and current situation. Be in the best position by having the knowledge and set of answers to go with the 10 most common interview questions.

1. Why are you leaving your current job?

Leaving your current or previous job can be because of a number of reasons. Answer with confidence, and it's wise to prepare an answer before heading to your interview. Being able to answer this question clearly will show the interviewer you’re serious about this job change. Try and focus on the positive move forward in the future rather than giving negative answers around your former job.

2. Why do you want to work here?

This question is usually a test to see if you have taken the time to research the company and why you think you would be a good fit for the role. Preparation is key.  Make sure you research and take your time to learn about the services, products, history and culture of the workplace. A great way to make an impact is to include what about the company appeals to you - how it aligns with your career path and goals. The interviewer could ask why these things are important to you in an employer so be prepared to explain why.

3. What interests you about this role?

You can sometimes cover this question with the previous one but interviewers usually include this to make sure you fully understand the position. This is a great opportunity for you to highlight your skills covered on your CV and relate it to the job description. In your answer focus on a few things you particularly enjoy or excel at.

4. What are your goals for the future?

This is a key question which you want to have a good detailed answer ready. The interviewer is trying to understand if you are looking for a job long term. If you are, explain about your future goals, ambitions and expectations for your career. This will show the ability to plan ahead and if you position correctly how this role will help you to reach your end goal.

5. What are your greatest strengths?

We are all great about talking about things we are good at but don’t go all guns blazing into this one. Take time to think about your strengths and when answering relate them to the job spec/role which you are interviewing for.

6. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Even though you might be expecting this question it is still a difficult one to answer. You will be so focused on creating a good impression and hoping not to say the ‘wrong’ thing which may lose you the job. Being able to give an honest answer and show you are self-aware is a attribute which many employers find attractive. When you start, explain how you are working towards overcoming this hurdle ending on a positive note.

7. Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it?

When presenting your answer you want to show problem-solving capabilities and present through stories as they are easier to remember rather than facts and figures. You have the opportunity to show how you went above and beyond to help solve the situation.

8. What is your salary range expectation?

Firstly make sure that the budget for the role aligns with the money you are looking for. Applying for a position which isn’t in your expected salary range can make you give the impression of misunderstanding your self worth. Do your research, Google for Jobs now has the ability to show average expected salaries for jobs, even if the salary hasn’t been specified. Try to position yourself at middle to high and be sure to tell interviewer or hiring manager that you may be flexible with your rate.

9. Why should we hire you?

You may find this question intimidating when asked but it is just giving you another opportunity for you to sell yourself as the best candidate for the position. Address your skills and the previous experience and how it fits within the role which you are applying for.

10. Do you have any questions?

One of the most important questions out of them all. This gives you a chance to interview the hiring manager and find out the answers to your questions. It also shows that you are excited about the job and gives you a chance to find out about their own experience being with the company.

Now you know what questions to expect, you have a greater chance of acing the interview. Just remember, be on time, smile, dress smart and be present in the room. Randstad wishes you the best of luck!

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