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The Ministry of education and other five departments issued the guiding opinions on the accountability of teaching materials
2022-05-24 11:53:34

In order to implement the general requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening and improving the construction of teaching materials for primary and secondary schools under the new situation, fully implement the main responsibilities for the compilation, review, publication, printing and distribution, selection and use of teaching materials, and effectively improve the construction level of teaching materials, recently, the Ministry of education, the State Press and publication administration, the central network information office, the Ministry of culture and tourism The State Administration of market supervision jointly issued the guiding opinions on the accountability of teaching materials (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions).


In view of the main responsibility problems in the compilation, review, publication, printing and distribution, selection and use of teaching materials for primary, middle and primary schools, the guiding opinions clarify the accountability situation and treatment methods, and implement full coverage, full chain and standardized responsibility management. The guiding opinions includes six aspects: first, strengthen the sense of responsibility, require all regions, departments and schools to strengthen the sense of responsibility, and compact the responsibility of teaching materials to units and people. Second, grasp the basic principles and put forward that the accountability of teaching materials work should adhere to the basic principles of law and regulation, comprehensive coverage, objectivity and justice, and the combination of punishment and construction. Third, clarify the accountability situation, and refine the accountability situation in the compilation (Revision), review, publication, printing and distribution, selection and use of teaching materials and the release of information related to teaching materials. Fourth, we should seriously investigate accountability, clarify the main body of responsibility for teaching materials and the way of accountability, and emphasize the establishment of a working mechanism of division of labor, responsibility, coordination and cooperation. Fifth, standardize the accountability procedures and clarify that the accountability of teaching materials should be carried out in accordance with the basic procedures of acceptance, verification and handling. The sixth is to put forward the responsibility investigation of digital teaching materials and handouts, teaching plans and teaching references used as teaching materials, as well as the translation and compilation of national language teaching materials, which shall be implemented with reference to the guiding opinions and relevant regulations.


After the issuance of the guiding opinions, the Ministry of education and other departments will guide all regions and units to refine the accountability measures for teaching materials, improve the responsibility implementation mechanism, and strengthen the investigation and punishment of violations, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the construction of high-quality teaching materials system.

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